Tony Colville

"I grew up in a council house with my dad and David, my disabled older brother. We didn’t have much, but we had each other and to look at my life now many would be surprised to see the struggles we faced. But it’s those struggles that shaped my opportunities as an adult.

My dad fought hard for the many things me and my brother had as we grew up in what was a mostly happy childhood (my dad was and remains an absolute hero). But my dad had to fight because there was very little recognition for young carers and just as little support for single dads raising two children. David needed 24 hour care and caring for him was expensive, hard work and often, a lonely battle.

Listening to young carers today, it’s clear that very little has changed and in many cases we’ve gone backwards.

As a young carer you grow up putting your own needs last. You worry a lot. You work really hard. You struggle with asking for help. I recognise all of those traits in my adult life and every now and then I hit a wall, sometimes a serious one, where I have to remind myself I matter and that the best thing you can do in life is to ask for help."

**Just a few words from our friend @tonypcolville on his experience as a young carer. Watch out for our end of week blog update for his full story on his caring experience. Massive thank you!


Francis Adeyemi